There's a thing known as the "BME Pain Olympics." This occurs at barbecues held by the people who do Body Modification Ezine (BME)
It's a sort of rite of passage, where people drink hot sauce, see how much weight they can carry from peircings, forehead pulling, ect. There is no prize, apart from the attention and being featured in an Ezine.
I explain that to explain this: I recently found an old video of myself, watching the "BME Pain Olympics: Final Round" video online. It was one of those stupid reaction videos. You watch me watch horrible things because who doesn't like people watching. I also did one with "2 girls, 1 cup"

In the time since, I have heard and read that it was a hoax. I believe it, although I haven't seen the video in years. Still, when the video was recorded, I was told that it was real. It's kind of hard for me to watch, now. I was super goofy.
 Good times..
12/10/2009 02:07:56 am

Hahahaha, I love that Rickie showed you that hahaha

12/10/2009 05:53:19 am

At one point you look truly frightened and concerned.

12/10/2009 07:05:07 am

theres the nic i know lol

Marla Bowie LePley
12/12/2009 12:54:10 am

That was hilarous. Not just cause of your reaction, but also because you look a lot like a cartoon character.

12/12/2009 08:35:33 pm

ha! the end is the best part. you look like your going to be sick, i've seen the video and i thought that i was going to be


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