This page is dedicated to stuff not made especially for the blog

Yuck Bomb

Thanks for the Ride (Aug 17, 2009)

So, the other night, I was on my way home from my friend's house at like 12:30 in the morning when this car pulls into the turning lane. The back window is rolled down and some girl, I don't recognize yells "What's up!?" at me. I said "Nothing," and stopped walking for a moment to try and figure out who it was. Then, she asked me where I was going. I told her I was heading home and then the driver chimed in, asking me if I needed a ride. I, of course, said yeah and ran around the car and hopped in. They asked where I was going and I had them pull a u-turn. It was right about then that I realised that I didn't remember these people at all and that it was possible that I didn't even know them. The first chick who yelled at me, asked if I wanted a gift from "the arcade" and she took my silence as a yes. She said "Here," and started to hand me a pen. I reached to take it and she pulled it back and told me that it was also a necklace as she pulled an attached string out of a small rubberband. Now, the pen was hanging by a string attached to the cap and she handed it to me again. I put it around my neck and thanked her in an awkward fashion. Okay, so there was a guy in the front passenger seat and he confirms my feelings of not knowing them by saying something like "Isn't this weird? Getting picked up by strangers and getting a ride home." He made some joke about them killing me and the driver said "Don't scare him. This is a new car, so I have no problem giving you a ride home; I just want to drive." I directed them to where I live and they wanted to meet my girlfriend. They asked what I was doing at my friends house without her and they told me to be good to her. I thanked them and never learned any of their names. I tell this story as a way of saying that there are still a few people out there, who don't need something in return to be nice. They saved me from at least 20 minutes of walking and got nothing in return. They even gave me a pen. Things like this make me want to do nice things for people. It makes me want to be generous to strangers and do my karmic duty.

Twelve Things That Make Me Happy (Aug 18, 2009)

didn't want to blog about stuff that pisses me off so I went the other way. These are in no particular order, besides number twelve. It's bold for a reason.
  1. Animals who come up and act all sweet when you're sad. Especially a cat who's usually mean and quick to scratch but any pet that comes up and looks at you like "What's wrong buddy?"
  2. Warm, clear nights. They make everything cooler. Say, you're riding around, maybe going to get some food, right? It's way cooler with the dark sky, warm air and rolled down windows. Stars in the sky. It's just a good feeling.
  3. People thanking you. Whether you pick up and give someone something they dropped or hold open a door, it's cool to get a sincere sounding thank you. It doesn't have to be like "God bless you! You're a beautiful person, and you make me want to be better to my family and friends." A simple smile and thanks goes a long way. When you do something nice for a stranger and get no recognition, it's pretty lousy so, I really like when I do something decent and get a polite response.
  4. Hearing a great song that you forgot about. Maybe, a song that got played out and you got tired of at one point but then, a few years later you hear it and it's reclaimed the magic that found in it the first time you heard it.
  5. Friends succeeding. It makes me happy to see people do well. I say a guy, yesterday actually, who is now working. His lady had a baby, so he really needed it. Now he works at the Dollar Tree. It made me happy to see him doing better, working. It's good to see people you've spent time with, get it together.
  6. Telling people about something and having them agree. This is on here because of how bad it sucks when someone doesn't. You know when you see something, let's say a funny video online and then you tell your chum. You say something along the lines of "I saw this really funny video! There was a hamster running in one of those balls and he runs into a sleeping cat." Then, you show our friend after you talk about how funny it was and they just sit there, tight lipped. That's horrible, so it's good when a funny video makes your friend laugh, like you predicted. It happens with movies, bands, and anything else anyone has an oppinion on, ever.
  7. Being scared. Now, let me qualify this. I don't mean "Ommigod, I'm gonna die!" scared. I mean, campfire story scared. In a dark basement with a buddy scared. That antsy, fun scared feeling. Like just two people in a big house, overnight, telling ghost stories. Being creeped out is pretty fun, sometimes.
  8. Making up something completly rediculous and having someone believe you. Once, I told these two girls, after they brought up Charlotte's Web, that something had happened when I was a little kid that made me not ever want to talk about it. I was pretty vague and my friend, Zack jumped right in and said something like "Yeah, you guys. Let's not talk about this," then he leaned in and said, "he get's weird about it." They bought it, hook, line and sinker. Later we had a good laugh and told them it was BS. It used to be one of my favorite things to do and it's still good for a chuckle, now and then.
  9. Days without unfortunate incidents. It seems that something undesirable happens, every day. Maybe you miss a bus and have to wait. Perhaps you get in an argument with someone over something stupid. You might stub your toe. You've got to love those days when everything just goes smoothly.
  10. When people get what they deserve. I mean, when someone does something awful and then karma delivers them their just desert. Like if someone walks passed you and bumps you with their shoulder pretty hard and then a few steps later, they trip and fall or if someone makes fun of you for something like, I don't know, a giant zit on your eyeball and then they get three eye-pimples.
  11. Being tired when I go to sleep. I'm a horrible sleeper. I stay awake forever at night. I'll think I'm tired and then end up laying there for hours. It's really aggravating. My girlfriend can fall asleep sitting in a chair with the TV on, it seems but me... Oh no, not me. I have to be in a freakin' vaultwith no light or noise. That's why, I absolutely love whne I just collapse on my bed and feel sleep's grip start to tighten right away. It's usually like this when I go camping or when I do hard labor, during the day.
  12. Being around the people that I care about. There's not a thing in this world that makes me happier than hanging out with the people that I've been lucky enough to have in my life. There's nothing I appreciate more than these people. I'm eternally grateful to you all.

Ten Things that Piss Me Off (Aug 4, 2009)

Here are, in no particular order, things that irritate me to no end. Enjoy.

10. Stinky strangers in any semi-confined space. I.E. busses, waiting rooms, cars, work, etc.

9. People who fake laugh really loud and hard for some reason and they're not being sarcastic.

8. People who fake laugh really loud and hard for some reason and they're being sarcastic. It sucks bad enough saying something that you thought might be funny and having no one laugh. You don't need this douche making you feel more stupid.

7. People who talk in baby voices. To anyone. Period. Even babies are supposed to be learning slowly how to talk normally; do you think baby talk helps this at all? It's like doing anything that kids watch and learn from, wrong. People also do it to pets. This is another thing I don't get. These creatures are your slaves, you think they care about your tone. "He lubs me!" Bitch, he has no choice. You're where the food comes from. By far the worst offense is, however, when someone talks to their significant other in that phony retarded little voice. I can't understand for a second, why anyone would ever do that. It literally makes me feel sick.

6. Christians who judge other people. The eleventh commandment can be interpreted in different ways. Some ways make it mean absolutely nothing. Why can't these people go by "Hate the sin; Love the sinner?"

5. Serving sizes: no one is just eating two cookies. The serving size of some bread is one slice. Triscuits is seven crackers. Two oreos. Half a bag of popcorn. You get the idea. America is fat and no one is checking the serving sizes.

4. Anyone who hates something because of how much they like something else. Star Wars vs. Star Trek, Star Wars vs. Lord of the Rings, boxing vs. wrestling, XBox vs. Playstation, ect. These morons who swear their allegience to some piece of pop culture nothingness and then hate anything that you could possibly compare it to. "This is so good, I can't possibly enjoy that similiar but different thing." Idiots.

3. The Westboro Baptist Church. Their website is (and I'm not even joking, check it out) These people make me absolutely sick. There's so much I want to cover on this that I think I'll write another note. These are the fucks that protest and picket soldier funerals.
Westboro Baptist Church Wiki

2. People who do/say something stupid and then lie to make themselves look less stupid or even correct. People who make up things when they're backed up into a corner. They say things like "But, I saw this thing on T.V. and..." or "My dad said..." to back up a point that they made up. These are often the very same people who make up things just to dispell someone elses point. I don't know if they can't handle being wrong or feeling dumb or what.

1. People who make up stories to top other people's stories. "I finally went bungee jumping. It was so--" " Yeah, I went bungee jumping out of a helicopter, over a volcano." They constantly have a "me too" story, if not a more [whatever adjective describes the original story] story. One-uppers. Assholes.
Also, people who tell the same story for years, especially when they're telling it to people that have already heard it. Grand-parents have the right to this as well as anyone who's lost a limb or been through some crazy shit. Anyone who's been in a real war, or biker gang.

Dreams & Memories

It's funny what you remember and what you don't. I can remember being young and living in a house that was some sort of dark brown or grey house with two stories. I imagine it was with my sister's dad (my former step father) his family and my mom. I'm really not even sure that it's a memory, I might have imagined it a long time ago and remember imagining it. Either way, it's one of my oldest memories if it is a memory.
I also Vaguely remember living in Lancaster, California with my mom, dad and maybe my grandparents. I remember playing with these little rubber octopus/squid things in a kiddie pool. I hung out with a little girl next door. I'd see my aunt, Joey, who lived in Cali some what regularly. I remember moving from there to my grandparents house in Austin, Texas.
I can only remember three dreams vividly. I use the term 'vividly' lightly here as they were dreams. The first is one with my dad and I. It was us in this animated world. Crayon drawn green grass everywhere, with a flowing crayon river. My dad and I were real, so far as I remember, and we were crossing the river by means of a small wooden bridge when we saw a dollar bill floating down stream. We ran to try to get it and when we got close to, a giant red pepper with little arms and legs as well as an angry face, jumped at us. We ran, of course, but we couldn't run fast enough, as often occurs in dreams. That's as much as I can remember. It's also the most simple.
The second is a bit cloudy. I was living at these apartments at the time. Let's call them the Oak Creek apartments. In the dream, I heard people talking about the "Oak Creek monster" and it's big wings and teeth and claws. It lived inside the wood-fenced dumpster area and I happened to see it. It also saw me. I ran and it toyed with me, swooping down and not grabbing me but getting horribly close. I woke up and went to sleep on the floor in y dad's room. He's a bad ass and I knew, even then, that no monster would fuck with him.
The third and final dream is the most bizarre. It's a little hard to explain because the dream hopped around from scene to scene but it kinda all tied in. First, I saw this innocent kids show with people hopping around slowly in big costumes that make me think of how an alien bear would look. They hopped around in almost slow-motion and seemed to be having a lot of fun. There was also a host in a brightly colored suit and he was talking to them, as well as the audience. I didn't see an audience but they're might have been cameras or something.I see that and then I see two buildings. The buildings meet diagonally at the corners and leave only a little space to see through, maybe five inches. I see a sleazy looking man come up on either side and they exchange two bags, one paper and one that looks like a small duffel bag. The next thing I see is a large above-ground subway/train moving very fast looking very ominous. Then back to the kid show and them hopping around but now I have a bad feeling about this whole thing, for some reason. Back on the train I see the guy who received the duffel bag, put together some sort of gun with a strange scope and then open the window. Suddenly I know what's going to happen, for no reason, whatsoever. You know how dreams are, they don't have to make sense and sometimes, you just know things. I knew that the train was going to pass the show and for a split second, that guy would have the perfect shot to kill the host and change the life of a bunch of little kids. I felt powerless and I was freaking out. I didn't actually appear in the dream but I definitely saw and felt it. I was waiting for it to happen and there was nothing I could do. Right when he pulled the trigger, I woke up.
I don't know why I'm posting this, but I sure am.