Being alone is truly the best time for self reflection. As of late I have been observing people, and the way we relate to each other. I have come to realize that it is important to be grateful for all of the people in our lives, no matter what kind of impact they have had on us.
I find it strange the way human interconnectivity works. Two people who have known each other all their lives could have less of a connection than two people who have just met. Visa versa, two people who have been best friends for years could just stop talking one day. Why does this happen? Sometimes life altering experiences don’t make people closer at all; they can actually come between the two and tear them apart. And sometimes, out of the blue, a call might never be returned.
I think about the people who I have lost every day. What would my life be like if they were still here? What would I be like? I have accepted the fact that people and their actions do have an effect on me, even if it is just observing certain behaviors that I, myself, never want to call my own. With this realization I have found a new appreciation for my fellow human being. I will respect you; we all come from different backgrounds and have had different life experiences, yet we all share the human condition and that gives us the power to empathize with each other.
It’s strange to me what some people wouldn’t do for someone else. The man who can’t pay his bills, yet buys lunch for the homeless lady down the street on a regular basis. The nuns, and monks who dedicate their lives to the service of the church and its community. The doctors who move to third world countries raped by war and propaganda to save the lives of men, women, and children whom they have never met and will probably never see again. I admire these people, and can only aspire to one day accomplish what they have.
I have a great appreciation for all of the people who are, and have been in my life. I have 2 of the best friends anyone could ever ask for, and I have had the privilege to meet and interact with some truly amazing people. I will always miss those who have touched my life and are no longer with me, but no words can describe how deeply grateful I am for having them in my life.

12/21/2009 10:10:49 am

I totally dig this blog.

12/21/2009 11:43:00 pm

You're a peach, Shane.

12/22/2009 02:44:15 am

Ha, thanks guys!

12/24/2009 02:29:14 pm

ringing truthful in my brain. vey nigh.


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