Okay, okay, I won't blast you guys with my faggy poetry anymore. But here's the thing: I'm feelin' real introspective over here. Dave "The Softball Coach Wonder" always tells me, "Why don't you fucking blog about it." Well I think I will, Dave. So shut it, and I won't have to tell everyone that all those tricky psyche out pitches are just...well, shitty pitching. Ready for my first subject of bloggy reflection? Morality: what is it, where does it come from, and is this something that we're potentially going to have to bomb into submission? Well first off, I can tell you this: one thing about morals is that when you're a good person, if you get a glass of water, you fill up the fucking water pitcher in the fridge. You don't fill it up every time, and we're up shit creek with no ice cold filtered water to drink. Second thing: Get off the internet. The internet is just an invitation to kick morals right in the dick. Not only is it a pedophile harboring, narcissism perpetuating free-for-all, but it's a time sucking black hole. You ever accidentally googled google? The first five links are to Google.com. Why do they even have that option? Hopefully they're just trick links to a page that says "Get up and go outside, you knuckle dragging mouth breather." Anywho, one thing I love about morals is that there are enough of them to have a fresh set every day (no one likes crusty stale morals)! Crisp fall day? I'll take Islam for 500. Burkas are nice and toasty. The sun is high and you're sweatin' in August? I'll have the sheer flimsy morals of a suburbanite Christian family, please. I only point out religions as sets of morality because most people suck their morals out of the closest religion, like a thirsty wildebeast who can only find a mud puddle in the desert. Why? Because everyone is scared shitless of going to hell. You know, that place where you're eternally in public, and your asshole itches like crazy, but you still live in your home town and someone from high school might be watching, so there's nothing you can do? I don't blame them. I once heard a Christian ask, "If you don't think you're going to hell when you die, why do you try to be a good person." Thank Buddah this guy is a Christian. But death and hell seem to be inseperable butt buddies. No death is free from the blackmail of being cast into hell if you don't get the God-goods (remember the three Chuh's: Christ, Chastity and Church). And being in hell is something that only happens post-mortem? Quit your bitching, you war-torn, disease-ridden, starving African children. It gets worse. Be grateful that you can still scratch your asshole without your old dance team seeing. Death is a weird subject because nobody, fucking nobody, knows what it is, or what happens, but everyone is willing to accept an explanation from another human being. Who also has no idea. At what point did someone decide that they had an idea of what was going on? And for what reason did the people around that person decide, "You know what? I bet this guy knows. I don't know why, but I got a good feeling about this." I imagine it happened something like this: There were cavemen, right? Sitting around a fire. Eating a brontosaurus burger. They start grunting about death, and one is like, "Man, it's weird how we just stop like...talking, and moving, and not rotting." and another says, "Yeah, I bet we actually stay alive somehow after death, and the majority of the population gets tortured for...I don't know, like masturbating or something. Forever. We should just act like some parental figure is watching us all the time so we won't masturbate, and then we won't have to be tortured." And not one single person said, "Listen, I think that's the most retarded thing I've ever heard." And BOOM! Here we are with three major religions that stem from the same damn book, relentlessly trying to send eachother to hell, constantly trying to up the ante of whose morals are stiffer, and therefore more hell-avoiding. When will morals stem more widely from a more organic worldy place (...critical thought?)? Mystics and wise men shouldn't have the monopoly on this way of thinking.  It's all so very silly, you guys. So very silly.

Last night as I was roaming around the internet I happened upon this video, and thought that I would share his ignorance with you.
Now, I am not in any way religious, nor do I support most organized religion. I believe religion is to be a personal, spiritual journey and should not be shared with the masses. But, what this guy is doing here, and the claims he makes, are totally irrational. Does he not realize the sheer age of the Bible? For shits sake, it’s over 2,000 years old! Now, I agree with him that the Bible should not be read in public, nor shared with people outside of church/church groups. Also, the Bible should not be used in a court of law, strictly because its use infringes every American citizens right to freedom of religion. However, in his ridiculous quest to persuade people to hate the Bible, he is in fact giving it the power he is trying to take from it. Let me deconstruct his little video;

Every passage he uses to smash the Bible and prove that it is “repulsive” was written over 2,000 years ago. In America we haven’t stoned anyone to death since the early 1900’s, not in the name of the Bible, that is. These passages are outdated, and haven’t been used as situation precedents or guidelines since the early creation of our country. Ultimately, even Christians know the Bible is full of a bunch of outdated ideals and practices. This guy is just as bad as those religious nuts who think it’s ok to kill others “in the name of god.” This guy is the kind of guy you’d see “killing in the name of humanity” or some bullshit like that. What a moron. I guess to him the Bible is more important than the Constitution. I cannot stress enough the fact that we live in a country that allows us to believe in any religious deity we choose. Why the hell isn’t he deconstructing the Book of Mormon, or the Koran, or the Book of Scientology? Sure, the Bible has some ridiculous passages, and some pretty brutal imagery, but that’s how they dealt with things back in the day. This dude needs to read a damn history book, or maybe move the hell out of this country so his claims actually have some relevance. Fuck him for trying to impede on my right to read what I wish, believe what I want and think for my god damned self.
