My pal, Rickie got a gym membership the other day and I happened to be there. The man signing him up offered me a 24 day trial membership. I, being thin but not in shape at all, jumped at the offer. Allow me to detail this splendid journey into the depths of a fitness center. 
But before I do, you should know that I haven't worked out in quite a while. I'm not a strong guy, really and I weigh like 144 lbs.
I follow my friend through the doors and we head to the locker room. Let's first take care of the obvious. The men's locker room is full of penis. There are wieners everywhere and you can't not see them. Weird wrinkly old asses exposed as their conductors fish whitey tighties out of lockers. The most awkward small talk takes place in this horrid place. God forbid, some completly naked man with a comb-over has to get into the locker directly next to you, and he has something to say. "Pretty rainy out there, eh buddy?"
You leave the steamy dick pit, knowing you have to go back eventually, and you head towards the workout machines. In order to get to everything besides the stairmasters and treadmills, you have to walk behind them. I couldn't help but to fear someone trying to go too fast and tripping, falling and being launched into me.
At this point, I've passed the first few trials on my way to becoming fit. Now it's time to act confident in front of rediculous piles of muscle in Nike shorts. I felt self-concious for no reason, though. The walls are lined with mirriors to distract the brutes as mouse-ike me scurries to the first activity.
After working out for a while and being showed the ropes, I'm pretty much done. I wanted to do some cardio but for some reason, the treadmills and such are very popular. It seemed like steam room time so that's where I went. It was crazy hot in there. It's supposed to be at like 110 degrees but it was more like 120. I couldn't breath through my nose at all. It also smelled like menthol for some reason. I lasted maybe five minutes before switching to the sauna, which was nothing after the steam trap.
One more trip through the cock filled locker room and I was back in my normal fit and on my way out. All-in-all it was a good experience and I'll be back as often as I can in 24 days.
